
Part one of portfolio design

So far I have already played around with the portfolio online and have a pretty good idea of what I want to do but these are some of the ideas that have been rolling around in my head. I like the idea of having a slideshow in the portfolio page and then having a separate page to view the individual pieces of art. I am eager to see what others think on this.  These are a few of the different logos that I thought of. The favorite of mine is the shield with the cross in it. The shield is the shield of faith and the cross is what I hold on to in this life. I inserted my initials and then called it a day on that one. I also like the lifeline one but I think it is a bit generic, curious to see others thoughts.   

Family photo restoration

After Before  I chose this picture because I felt like I could do the most with it. This is a very memorable moment between my father and grandpa and the picture got marked up through the years and definitely needed some love. The bulk of what I did was really focused on cleaning up the photo. Throughout it there were white marks and black streaks as seen in the second photo (before photo). I blended the colors and took away all of the blemishes and I think it came out pretty good. I really enjoyed doing this assignment and look forward to saving more family photos. 

Family photos

These are two really old family pictures that would be incredible to restore. One is of my dad's side of the family and it definitely has some wear and fading that could be fixed up. The other is of my grandma who passed away too soon in her life. This picture would be amazing to restore and touch up to show to my family.

Book Cover

  This book is a devotional that I have read recently as I prepare for marriage. Originally the book cover only showed some of the words you see here and did not depict any images that would have to do with marriage. Thus I imported and photoshopped in pictures such as the heart and the rings showing the picture of marriage in the rings. As for the back I did not change a whole lot but added a reference from scripture and a fancy heart. I really wanted to show the picture of marriage on the cover rather than just saying it in words. As for the spine, I am sorry for the poor picture but I added rings and a heart to that as well to depict marriage! I hope you all like it!

Book cover sketch

  I am not big into reading but this is the most recent book that I have read as I am getting married in the spring. The original cover doesn’t excite someone just by looking at it. Although the words are effective, I thought to bring in rings that show the covenant of marriage or a heart because there is love in a marriage. I want to play around with different fonts and texts as well because I think they really bring out the words on a cover better and draw people in. I hope you all like it and I’m looking forward to your feedback!

Awareness Poster Vaccine

I chose to do this assignment on the vaccine. I am against the vaccine for many reasons but one of them is the time in which they pushed it out to be open to the public. Most vaccines remain under trial for around ten years to make sure to see any longer term affects but the covid vaccine is but a mystery and keeps getting more mysterious every-time one of the big medical companies get on to talk about it. I believe that it is unsafe and a political tactic that was used for the left. This poster points to what could come from the vaccine. Because it has not been in existence long enough for us to see the effects, I jumped to what could come of it and created a poster that would try and stray one from just jumping to get vaccinated. I know this is just a "what if" but I really wanted to get the point across that just because the media tells us to get vaccinated, doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. 

Awareness poster

Awareness Poster I chose to draw up some sketches on the vaccine. Although this isn’t a really hot topic currently, as of last year and the better half of this year the vaccine is a very big discussion in society. In the first photo I reference how America is being killed on shot at a time because I do not really trust this vaccine so to lack of time and trials. The second shows the government building being destroyed as a picture of our country going down do to the vaccine. The third sketch shows how doctors pushed this vaccine although we didn’t know and still don’t know how it will effect us. The fourth shows a the vaccine with a skull on it referencing how bad it could be. I hope you all like these sketches!